St Patrick's Bazaar Londres - U.K.

Eu na praça em frente a igreja St Patrick - Londres

A paróquia St Patrick em Londres fica em frente a uma praça muito charmosa no Soho.

Quem estiver em Londres aproveite para conhecer a igreja e participar das atividades da paróquia.

St Patrick's Bazaar
On Saturday 4th September (11am-5pm) St Patrick's will be holding a Bazaar in Soho Square in aid of St Patrick's Appeal
All welcome. If anyone would like to help on the day or bake anything please contact Della:

Any 'nearly new' items can be delivered to
St Patrick's (21a Soho Square, W1D 4NR)
from 2pm-8pm daily on 1st/2nd/3rd September

We hope to see you there and thank you in advance for your support!
